Resources for Breastfeeding & Formulas freebies
Wednesday, September 02, 2009 Hand-posted by Jennifer
Here’s an offer from Enfamil for a Free First Visit Nutrition Kit that includes samples and rebate offers. Just print the certificate and you should be able to redeem it at a participating doctor's office.
I breastfed all my children and I can’t tell you how wonderful this freebie is! Even if you’re undecided whether you will or will not breastfeed it’s great for any mom. Get a FREE gift certificate to take to your baby doctor's office and receive an Enfamil Lipil breastfeeding support kit.
Interested in more breastfeeding resources and how to save money on formula, get free formula samples?
Here are some links for you:
- La Leche League
- International Lactation Consultant Association
- Baby Cheapskate Coupon Traders (trade for formula coupons)
- Baby Cheapskate Formula Buying Resources
- Enfamil First Visit Nutrition Kit free samples and rebate offer, print a certificate to request from a participating doctor
- Enfamil LIPIL Formulas three types of formula samples, print a certificate to request from a participating doctor (also check out Enfamil Rewards)
- Member's Mark Infant Formula
- Parent's Choice Milk Formula and Gentle Formula- you can request both
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