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Want Free Celebrity Gossip?

Friday, September 04, 2009 Hand-posted by Jennifer

This will require you to signup with a credit card but as long as you can remember to cancel within 7 days you won’t be charged the $14.95 monthly fee.

Plus you’ll get a weekly digital publication that covers extraordinary people from the worlds of movies, music, and more!

Along with your risk-free 6-issue trial subscription to Celebrity Gossip, you'll get a 7-day trial to Nicole's Savings Advantage. You'll become a member after your trial period and can then keep the $50 gift cards with our compliments.

REMEMBER: As long as you cancel within 7 days you won’t be charged the $14.95 monthly fee.  If you don’t cancel you be charged the $14.95 on your credit card but, you’ll end up with a $50 for staying enrolled. 


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