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Ready to lose a little weight? Join me!

Thursday, July 16, 2009 Hand-posted by Jennifer

071109 Walking in woods I told my granny recently that I wanted to lose a little weight and asked if she’d walk with me to keep me motivated.  She agreed but I have to admit that it was mostly to help keep her high blood pressure in check. 

Being that we live in the country and on a family farm we have several places to walk.  We’ve walked into the back fields with my kiddos picking blackberries and down the road to throw rocks off of a bridge into a creek.  The kids are really enjoy our nature walks.

We’ve built up our routine to walking first thing in the morning and at suppertime which is super for her!  On average we’re probably up to about 3-4 miles per day.

We both also decided to watch what we eat more carefully & have lost 10 lbs each in the last 2 weeks.

At this rate we’ll be walking out of out “fat clothes” soon into some of our “skinny clothes” that we have stashed in the back of our closet somewhere.  LOL.

Since I’m totally addicted to walking and losing weight right now I thought I’d point out a few helpful links. to help with menu planning.  (something I rarely did before but is a new goal!) Thanks Katie

I also saw this offer pop up today that peaked my interest a bit:  The New-U 10 Step Turnaround Program.  I haven’t checked it out entirely but there is no credit card required which is cool.

School is also just around the corner so granny and I are looking forward to having some more peaceful walks to enjoy the scenery a little more quietly.  Three kids in the woods calls for some hollering ya know!

071109 Walking with kids up driveway


  1. Janet said...

    Wow, that's great progress in two weeks. I grew up in a farm and your pictures make me homesick. Enjoy your walks with granny.

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