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New Cellfire coupons are available to load to your card

Saturday, January 30, 2010 Hand-posted by Jennifer

Have you noticed all the new Coupons that are available at
TIP:  I always just load them all up. However, please note that E-Coupons can only be used once per card & they do not double.

What’s the skinny on Cellfire? Cellfire E-Coupons can be used at any of the Kroger Family stores, Safeway and ShopRite so if you haven’t loaded them yet then do so now by clicking here or by using my cellfire widget at anytime.

Coupons are available now on Cellfire for Kroger and Safeway and can be saved until Monday 02/08/10 and expire Monday 02/22/10. Please note that these coupons will be available for ShopRite shoppers on Cellfire starting Sunday 01/31/10 and can be saved/expire on 02/13/10.

Be sure to follow Cellfire on Twitter and Facebook as they will share great deals and savings there also.

Looking for more coupon sources? Checkout my coupons & printable coupons categories!


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