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Not a bad newbie CVS haul - $7.33

Tuesday, September 16, 2008 Hand-posted by Jennifer

I've been Krogering for awhile with my coupons and finally decided to get frugal with CVS. I stopped in last week and picked something up and earned a $2 ECB. I matched up my coupons with the sale paper this weekend and finally made it to the store today. Below is what I got: Transaction #1: 1 Aleve $3.99 Minus $1.00 Q Equals $2.99 GET $3 ECB to roll Total due: 3.36 Paid: $3.36 OOP Earned $3.00 ECB from Aleve to roll Transaction #2: 4 Purex @ $2.99 1 Excedrin @ $3.99 Total due: $15.95 Minus- $2.00 ECB from last week Minus- $3.00 ECB from transaction #1 New Total: $10.95 Paid: $11.96 OOP Earned: $4.00 ECB from Purex's Earned: $3.99 ECB from Excedrin RECAP: $15.32 OOP for both transactions ($3.36 + $11.96) $7.99 ECB's to roll for next trip ($4.00 + $3.99) $7.33 OOP TRIP TOTAL


  1. Melanie said...

    Hey you did good!

    I like the Title bar of your blog, I used to shop generics too. Then after coupons/rebates I've been blessed to try sooooo many things I never would have dreamed buying-for free even!

    Best wishes with your bloging:) it's also addictive LOL

  2. Jennifer said...

    Addictive isn't even the word to use because I don't think that comes close to describing the high I feel sometimes! :)

  3. Unknown said...


    My daughter met you one Sunday
    night at CVS in Maryville, you
    had your 2 children and you
    were getting pumpkins and lights
    and the gaterade. Well we learned
    a lot from you and came home and
    got onto your blog site.
    You are doing a great job, like your site and I know it must be a lot of work for a working mom.
    Thanks for the good information
    and God Bless you.


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