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A Walgreens that doesn’t mind coupons!

Friday, January 16, 2009 Hand-posted by Jennifer

How funny was my shopping trip tonight!  I’m still shaking my head about this one.

I purchased two bottles of Oust with a BOGO Q because they were on sale BOGO.  I had picked up two myself the other day but my mother-in-law wanted some.  So I stopped after school.  Here is how my transaction went.

CASHIER:  Rings up 2 bottles of Oust and bags it.

ME:  Hand my BOGO Q and a dollar bill knowing it will cover tax.

CASHIER:  Scans coupon, puts dollar in drawer and hands me my change.

ME:  As I put my change up I see something I can’t believe!

CASHIER:  Wads, scrunches, whatever you want to say to throw away my coupon.

ME:  “Um, I believe you need to keep that”.

CASHIER:  “No, they don’t care about these”.

ME:  “Well, I believe they do need them to get reimbursed”.

CASHIER:  “Sure, I’ll just sit it down right here then”.  Sarcastic tone.

ME:  “Well then, I would like to know from management for my own information then if they are just going to be tossed away in the trash”.

CASHIER:  Calls manager and asks “Do we need to keep this” as he shows coupon.

MANAGER:  “Yes, you see here in the box the tab that says coupons”.

CASHIER:  The look on his face was priceless that he was wrong and I had called him out.

ME:  “I’m so glad you learned something tonight about your job” as I grabbed my bag and left smiling.  And I mean a big smile of I told you so!

I mean, really!  How much money had this cashier lost for Walgreens!?  He was throwing my coupon away and who knows how many others before me.


  1. Riannon said...

    That is pretty funny! I've always wondered if clerks ever "keep" any coupons that they get. The registers will take them again even if they were rung once.

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