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You CAN Save Money on Newspaper Delivery

Monday, April 27, 2009 Hand-posted by Jennifer

Discount Newspapers Cat in paper I’m going to be flat out honest and tell you that I have eight newspapers delivered.  What?  Eight papers?  No, I’m not crazy.  Yes, I save money.  Let me explain my reasoning and why you should subscribe too.

In order to save money using coupons you have to get the newspaper.  Now, how you get the newspaper is entirely up to you.  You and only you can decide what is the best decision for your family & what works.

Getting inserts from friends: Not a bad deal since the expense doesn’t fall on you but can be sporadic.

Buying newspaper at store: Sometimes inserts are missing or coupons are slightly different.

So, being that friends can sometimes be unreliable and if I’m not feeling perky enough to drive out to the store to buy my inserts is the reason I suggest getting the newspaper delivered at a discount.

In my case, my paper is $2.00 at the store.  So, $2.00 x 52 weeks = $104.00  Plus, factor in gas expense!  That makes buying the paper even more costly.  Why would you want to go to all that trouble?

Then look at newspaper delivery:  I personally saved almost 75% by subscribing to the weekend edition!  So, Correct me if I’m wrong but who wouldn’t want to buy FOUR Sunday papers for the same price as ONE and get the rest of the weekend edition for FREE practically.

Why eight subscriptions?  Well, there is five in my family and a few extra for help in stockpiling.

CLICK HERE to go to Discounted Newspapers and get a quote on your local paper.

Don’t forget to read more here to learn how to organize your coupons and here for some Coupon 101.

Newspaper subscription


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