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Extra Bucks Calculator - This thing rocks!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009 Hand-posted by Jennifer

OK, I'm a newbie to say the least but I still do OK at CVS figuring totals up in my head.  Now, doing numbers in your head for little transactions isn't that hard but Thanksgiving and Christmas was darn near impossible for me to keep my OOP near the $10-$15 range.  I'm sure jaws just dropped but I was still happy with what I got.

Calculator Cupcake Anyway's, I got my newsletter from Hot Coupon World and read about this nifty EB calculator and my eyes perked open.  It's 5 am and I haven't slept a wink tonight!  After checking out the link here is what I found out. 

Shawna at Coupon Lady Online is working on an ECB Calculator project with her husband to calculate how to spend your EB's.  It is a work in progress but there is a tutorial for how to use it currently.  You enter how many EB's you have and it throws a list together of what EB's you would have to use to equal your subtotal amount. 

Example for my six EB's (2.49,3.99,4.98,4.99,7.29,9.99) with a subtotal of $16.50.  If I scan the list I see close to four options:

EB's totaling $16.47 = 2.49, 3.99, 9.99

EB's totaling $16.45 = 2.49, 3.99, 4.98, 4.99

EB's totaling $16.27 = 3.99, 4.99, 7.29

EB's totaling $16.26 = 3.99, 4.98, 7.29

Do I ever wish that I could have had this at Thanksgiving and Christmas!!  I think this new little calculator is awesome and I will be printing it out to take shopping with me from now on! 

You have got to head on over now to get the feel of this sweet calculator! Now GO!


  1. Shawna said...

    Thanks for the praise! Could you forward along a copy of the newsletter for this month, please? I had no idea there was going to be anything about the calculator, and I had no idea I wasn't signed up for the newsletter! I can't seem to find archives anywhere, either. My email is shawna at couponladyonline dot com Thanks a lot!

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